Understanding Corporate Reality

As a leader you need to manage tension, make judgements, and lead change. Our Human Impact Matrix provides a framework of 9 dimensions to create human impact: from better leaders to better teams to better organizations. Our unique ’77 flavors’ are potential areas of tension that mirror corporate reality, challenge your thinking and focus on the real issues. We support you in diving deep into the core of these issues, working on solutions together. 

We welcome you to navigate the 9 dimensions of the Human Impact Matrix and explore the ’77 flavors’ to get clarity on your challenges, develop the right concepts and take action. 






Meaning &
Market Value vs. Social Values
Ideals vs. Profits
Work vs. Life
Quarters vs. Decades
Conviction vs. Trends
Expression vs. Camouflage
Culture &
Diversity vs. Inclusion
Knowledge vs. Judgement
Toxic vs. Loving
Consistent vs. Erratic
Intuitive vs. Analytic
Effort vs. Results
Potential vs. Experience
Content &
Strategy vs. Capability
Preservation vs. Innovation
Ambiguous vs. Mandatory
Analog vs. Digital
Intention vs. Readiness
Optimism vs. Anxiety
Well-being vs. Stress


Values &
Transparency vs. Efficiency
Structure vs. Creativity
Trust vs. Control
Goals vs. Flow
Co-Creative vs. Prescribe
Beliefs vs. Reality
Spirit vs. Measures
Assumption vs. Conviction
Execu­tives &
Assessment vs. Appreciation
Retention vs. Fluctuation
Character vs. Competence
Creativity vs. Conformity
Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic
Leadership vs. Management
Self-leadership vs. Directives
Role vs. Soul
Agenda &
Resilience vs. Vulnerability
Evolution vs. Revolution
Responsibility vs. Ownership
Trust vs. Conflict
Sustainability vs. Quick Wins
Systematic vs. Pragmatic
Top Down vs. Bottom Up
Direction vs. Divergence


Align­ment &
Comply vs. Provoke
Teamwork vs. Competition
Endorsement vs. Resistance
Integrity vs. Opportunism
Debate vs. Decide
Walk vs. Talk
Consensus vs. Rebellion
Collabo­ration &
Collaboration & Performance
Telling vs. Coaching
Sensitivity vs. Assertiveness
Maverick vs. Conformists
Networks vs. Silos
Fairness vs. Ruthlessness
Courage vs. Caution
Authentic vs. Poser
Hand-on vs. High-Level
Sensing vs. Analytical
Approachable vs. Distant
Present vs. Remote
Ambassadors vs. Archiver
Obedience vs. Responsibility
Enable­ment &
Wariness vs. Determination
Shock vs. Experimentation
Confidence vs. Fear of Loss
Survive vs. Thrive
Winners vs. Losers
Curiosity vs. Denial
Accommodating vs. Competing
Discrimination vs. Integration
Energy vs. Lethargy
Feedback vs. Silence

What Drives
Human Impact


is your organization’s "Why"—its reason for being. It serves as the guiding "North Star" for your leaders and teams to unlock growth and transformation.


elevates individuals, teams, and organizations. It shapes your culture, drives performance, and unleashes human potential.


is the adaptive space where the future is envisioned and propelled by your organization's engine — its leaders and people.

What You Need
to Drive It


Understand where you want to go and what you aim to achieve. Clarity is the foundation of excellent work.


A convincing concept is crucial for high-performing teams and organizations. It forms the basis for being able to achieve what you have set out to do.


Goals are realized through action. Only by taking action can you achieve the outcomes you seek.