Why Leaders Should Learn from Confucius — and What They Can Learn

“Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.” Confucius Great leaders have an enlightened view of themselves and the world. To develop and strengthen this perspective, leaders should familiarize themselves with the relevant philosophical concepts and apply them in their professional environment. This increases their effectiveness and enables transformative change […]
Key Challenges of the New Year – And What Immanuel Kant Might Have to Say About Them

At the start of a new year, the world faces significant challenges whose full implications remain uncertain: geopolitical tensions and wars in our immediate vicinity, the increasing erosion of democracy and the rule of law by new populist movements, and the unrelenting progress of climate change, manifesting ever more noticeably through extreme weather […]
Why Leaders Should Learn from Immanuel Kant — and What They Can Learn

“Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.” Immanuel Kant Great leaders are distinguished by an enlightened perspective on themselves and the world. To develop and further strengthen this perspective, leaders should be familiar with relevant philosophical concepts and apply them in […]
Why Leaders Should Learn from Philosophers — and What They Can Learn

Recent editions of the Edelman Trust Barometer reveal a global decline in public trust towards governments, NGOs, and media, while trust in business leaders has risen. This shift indicates a growing expectation for leaders to address societal challenges and uphold ethical standards, emphasizing the importance of responsible leadership for both business success and societal well-being. […]
Character strengh provides ethical orientation and helps preventing disasters

“Because power corrupts, society’s demands for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases.” John Adams Entrepreneurial disasters due to lack of character There is no shortage of bad examples: accounting fraud at Wirecard, Volkswagen and the diesel scandal, Wells Fargo and fraud with customer accounts or the creative variety of […]
Award Winning Harvard Business Review article “The Leader as Coach” …

… now also published in the German „Harvard Business Manager“ Authored by Meyler Campbell cofounder and associate scholar at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School, Anne Scoular, and Herminia Ibarra, Professor of Organizational Behavior at London Business School, the article was awarded with the Warren Bennis prize, recognizing the best leadership article each year […]
Leading in crisis: with character, despite fear

“Fear is useful, cowardice is not.” Mahatma Gandhi “Knowing what is right and not doing it is the greatest cowardice.” Confucius Hundreds of thousands have died. The global economy is facing an unprecedented slump. Countries are going into debt at an unkown extent. And we still don’t know what to expect in and after the […]